Custom Third-Party API Integration Services

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    Custom API Integration Services

    APIs have surged to be the most prominent part of the tech world in the present times. Everything has been made possible by integrating APIs into the applications, from logging in to social media apps to booking online tickets and making payments. Thanks to API for making two or more separate systems can operate and work in sync to achieve results. This can not work out without the best API integration company. 
    Linking to an external service with an API is generally the best and quickest way to provide significant functionality in any application. That is why appropriate implementation is an important task. We help clients with custom integration of APIs by creating dedicated APIs for Web applications. AleaIT believes in making secure and reliable connections between services.

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    Our Managed IT services will help you succeed. Let’s get started

    Integrated 40+ APIs so Far

    • 4a78e84359432002ebd5bceaf2fc5645_GiveX-70-70-c-90

      GiveX API

    • d343804066327547b4ce25fccb80cc43_FedEx-70-70-c-90

      FedEx API

    • bc64607b37989c0c0c2f806e6ef25509_Ant_Media-70-70-c-90

      Ant Media API

    • 27bb2a312143e5c4749baa2b44650a73_ppsr-70-70-c-90

      PPSR API

    • 5a5380f918612a5bb025f64db01e515a_Docusign-API-70-70-c-90

      Docusign API

    • 6f900f376741c2fcb1bfaf40c0c34a57_Sendgrid-70-70-c-90

      Sendgrid Email API

    • 3a6f046c107a7b2c28ed0497f4859817_Stripe-70-70-c-90

      Stripe Payment API

    • fcf145905fdc34b427fac5bc3beaf1f0_google-drive-70-70-c-90

      Google Drive API

    • c7c6c38318e9aec4a0e1bd3f66e31c93_Flinks-70-70-c-90

      Flinks Financial API

    • 5bbbeba8ce7f171d6e6ba6fc05b93d4c_paypal-70-70-c-90

      Paypal Payment API

    • ab175c41ae7ab293959b5a217f872013_Foursquare-70-70-c-90

      Foursquare API

    • 456cb8ca02cb4249e45ad81bd718fae8_Zoho-70-70-c-90

      Zoho CRM API

    • 792567c6c08f7fbbd123bd045b00ab41_gmail-70-70-c-90

      Gmail API

    • 1c06cd252d23abbe3bb165ed5a3dbcbe_instagram-70-70-c-90

      Instagram API

    • 4b05423097449828ac9ccd5a2c7cf8a8_firebase-70-70-c-90


    • 4d2d944cb19de5a55850859f5943e0be_Infusionsoft-70-70-c-90

      Infusionsoft API

    • 06b950c276c6c1acba6e69f500ff6d7c_Adscend-Media-70-70-c-90

      Adscend Media API

    • d28f4724d768b3a5b34b94b715bb6ce2_Matterport-70-70-c-90

      Matterport API

    • dd29577ee91b21e0033babc45855eb85_Mailgun-70-70-c-90

      Mailgun Email API

    • d341fe3e2fade66dfe687a6d889d933c_Google_Map-70-70-c-90

      Google Map API

    • 0f23e82cf669973e8882c52c46ea12d6_Aliexpress-Drop-shipping-70-70-c-90

      Aliexpress API

    • 6bec84d5a9156f1f9460f6bf54e31c9c_Go-Cardless-API-70-70-c-90

      Go Cardless API

    • 46da6356160d3785f6e3f222ca42a608_GOUV-FR-70-70-c-90


    • dca25d64fb94c33e82bbfe5e2bf77d40_Highcharts-70-70-c-90

       Highchart Graphs API

    • 02e58e7b751b271601f60d0754c26fff_worldpay-70-70-c-90

      Worldpay Payment API

    • ff06b5ac3277872ed05d65e5e78d213b_Credit-Card-70-70-c-90

      Credit Card Payment

    • 853a20075c7ba40f4346e6bf790417eb_MPU-70-70-c-90

      MPU Payment API

    • 0c3e8cb0c91953988da21af24cf48fdd_mailchimp-70-70-c-90

      MailChimp API

    • f21204cb349ebcfe14d4a4edde94db6e_Authorize-70-70-c-90

      Authorize Payment API

    • 6e03dec1f41ebff8e9d724122ecba38e_Peanuth-Labs-70-70-c-90

       Peanut Labs API

    • 146c0b4e917d8102741aa960a25f805c_TapResearch-70-70-c-90

      TapResearch API

    • 1fa892bddeb0e82621f215ce04744eb6_Jitsi-70-70-c-90

      Jitsi API

    • 59d9ce75263de530025396892248e37a_UPS-70-70-c-90

      UPS API

    • 4ec75e75f064e2ed8369eeb150edd9a9_Constant_Contact-70-70-c-90

      Constant Contact API

    • 9d186df08e2966ca4fe911ff746dc662_Zapier-API-70-70-c-90

      Zapier API

    • 225f8949b671abbfd1a1bbbcb26d522f_dropbox-70-70-c-90

      Dropbox API

    • e795cb9a2afb0f828ec130b8ba06b68b_Razorpay-70-70-c-90

      Razorpay Payment API

    • 7e74f7581a04caed225a953620b82791_Smoovpay-70-70-c-90

      Smoovpay Payment API

    • adcefb3ec537e6ca3dd0cf6e02c120d3_first-data-70-70-c-90

       First Data Payment API

    • 7480287aa807aafdebc9f3b52b21ff4a_Hubspot-70-70-c-90

      Hubspot API

    • d9a24299117895be983bb21d552ac3b5_tripadviser-70-70-c-90

      Tripadvisor API

    • 3951b2b9c1021b5dbc75cd9a33cf2284_linkedin-70-70-c-90

       LinkedIn API

    • 749735a89367128e384ec656c08c3bb7_booking-70-70-c-90 API

    • af49bf62297efc04fcac7a01ceedc147_Twilio-70-70-c-90

      Twilio SMS API

    • db50fa42225d35b8c8b9079e63ece7c3_facebook-70-70-c-90

      Facebook API

    • f81aa683240a854a8e206366ef150bb5_twitter-70-70-c-90

      Twitter API

    • 0d66bff047f510edbfb5c22792969bcf_Theorem-Reach-70-70-c-90

      Theorem Reach API

    • a53e869b3597f598d897c2c53e8d5a34_Google-chart-70-70-c-90

      Google Graphs API

    • c04e3acea842fbaf5c5ebbd961fc2791_socket-70-70-c-90

    • cecbc7de8174006db4794316e3fb5662_Wannads-70-70-c-90

      Wannads API

    • ef4095537bd16b1f6d8794b787ace88f_MiGS-Payment-API-70-70-c-90

      MiGS Payment API

    • 817374f9b848d445cf6b0f4933da07e4_Senangpay-70-70-c-90

      Senangpay Payment API


    Alea's API Service Solutions

    • icons8-api-48

      Custom API Integration

      Dedicated APIs for your web services. Enabling SaaS providers to consolidate their services with client services and creating API for internal use, i.e., first-party API.

    • icons8-implementation-48

      Custom API Implementation

      Solving content creation and management issues, communications, data sharing, business logic, and other micro-services.

    • icons8-api-48-3

      Third-Party API Integration

      Providing API integration services for web services ensuring proper support and implementation. Monitoring the security and performance of connections between services.

    • icons8-api-48-2

      API Testing Service

      Ensuring ultimate security and flawless performance of your API with thorough end-to-end testing performed by our professional QA experts.

    • code-48

      API Development Platforms

      Providing desktop, mobile, and cloud application API Development Services while incorporating services-oriented architectures (SOA), operating systems, and much more.

    • support-48

      Support Service for Integrated APIs

      Creating API architecture encryptions for dashboard controls, single sign-on capabilities, security, RBAC modules, and more for further support.

    Alea's Custom API Integrated Services

    Cloud Communication APIs

    We consistently integrate the latest in-demand cloud communication platform APIs, such as Plivo, Twilio, and Nexmo, that connect existing business systems and communication functionalities by implementing Service API integration.

    Payment Gateway APIs

    In order to allow an easy and fast process of payments, Alea collaborates with popular payment gateway APIs, like PayPal, PayU, and, with the existing e-commerce website, shopfront, and social networking sites.

    APIs for Social Network Platforms

    Connect your social networking platforms like a Facebook page, Instagram, and YouTube channel to the e-commerce storefront and analytics system using custom API integrations for social media.

    APIs for Shipping Carriers

    Alea offers ideal API integrations with leading industry shipping carrier APIs for businesses that need customized shipping carrier API integration services involving UPS, FedEx, USPS, and many others.

    Hire a team of our professional API Developers

    Make your website more functional by hiring our API Integration experts.


    API Integration Benefits to your Company

    • Decrease Operational Cost

      Custom API integration is a direct boost of productivity for the team and an absolute time saver as our API programmers can dig into more significant aspects to swiftly deliver value to your business.

    • Connectivity and Collaboration

       API’s another critical aspect is facilitating interactions between data, system, app, and devices. It is likely to design a method to transmit services and data using custom APIs, a characteristic of modern software.

    • Increased Productivity

      It is pretty easy to create a sturdy software solution as the factors are provided directly. Differentiation can be accomplished without compromising any of these things as independent interfaces do not depend on their implementations.

    • Digital Transformation

       Successful digital transformation requires consistent evolution. Streamline your processes with our seasoned API Developers and create an ecosystem that promotes adaptability, flexibility, and innovation.

    Stop wasting time and money on technology. Let’s get started

    What do clients say about our web application Services?

    Our Clients say

    AleaIT is going to be an asset for future projects. They have been incredibly professional with their communication and of course expertise. Even surprised me by going the extra mile and saving me time reworking certain things that were not part of the job description. Very conscientious of customer service.
    A+ - Phuong
    Pricing and Plan

    1 monthly fee for all IT services. No costly surprises

    AleaIT Solutions


    How would I know if there's a need for an API?

    You will need an API if you create something that will need to have two or more other programs that exchange information. Consult with one of our Alea API Integration Experts today and gain more clarity regarding what kind of API is suitable for you.

    How will you create an API?

    The critical steps of developing an API are discovering and planning, Designing, Developing, and finally Publishing after it is ready with all the tests.

    What if I am not satisfied with your service?

    If you are unsatisfied with our service, our company will provide you with a refund within ten business days, as we do believe in giving 100% satisfaction to our clients. This day hasn’t come yet, and we continue to assure quality services.

    Do you provide redesigning or maintenance on the developed APIs?

    Of course, if your sales support expires later on, you will have a choice of our monthly or annually e-commerce website maintenance contract to keep your website upgraded.

    What if the API documentation is publicly not available?

    For this, we do come across such cases, so in this case, we contact the support team or the technical team of the API provider and discuss with them either the API documentation or REST API or XML output. Few APIs are complicated, so they do not share the documentation publicly and require them to be contacted for better and clear understanding, which is completely fine

    Do you provide API process documentation?

    Yes of course! At ALEA, we provide an example of every call, every parameter, and responses for each call. Documentation offers an explanation for each API request and examples of error messages. It includes code samples for commonly used languages such as Java, JavaScript, PHP, and Python.

    What is the difference between API and web services?

    An interface that reveals data of any application to external software is an API, whereas web services are a type of API that has stricter requisites, including using SOAP as the central communication protocol and typically providing less access from the public